My car got recalled and today I got it fixed. Thanks Lily™. I also attended Economic History, but still didn't get my Carnegie paper back yet. I had a to do list today:
operation clean the bathroom: success
operation do the dishes: success
operation grocery shop: Big Sheedy made this a success for me
operation hang photos: super fail
First of all, I can't use a hammer and nails. Second, I'm retarded. Oh well, it's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia time :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday -
I don't really feel like blogging today. I stayed awake in all of my classes and didn't have to go to one. I did stuff around the apartment with my free time and Swift is an angel for slowing down the Spanish speech I had to listen to for class. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia brought a much-needed smile. I had enlightening discussions with Big Sheedy, mi madre, and the peanut butter m&m alliance. And now it is time for sleep.
PS: if you really missed my blog while I was gone, go read Swift's and you'll know what I was up to (besides writing my paper of course).
I don't really feel like blogging today. I stayed awake in all of my classes and didn't have to go to one. I did stuff around the apartment with my free time and Swift is an angel for slowing down the Spanish speech I had to listen to for class. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia brought a much-needed smile. I had enlightening discussions with Big Sheedy, mi madre, and the peanut butter m&m alliance. And now it is time for sleep.
PS: if you really missed my blog while I was gone, go read Swift's and you'll know what I was up to (besides writing my paper of course).
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So it's been a week and half since I've written. That's what a History Research Methods class will do to you I guess. The first draft of the paper has been turned in for 30% of grade and the final draft (worth another 30%) will be due December 3rd, I believe. Today I rewarded my completion with a trip to Half-Price Books. I got a few literature novels and a few just-for-fun pointless novels. Oh I also got back a test in Economic History. This is my second class with Dr. Green and officially my first A on a test :) I am pleased.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I spent 9 hours doing research in the library today. I ran out of money to make copies so I have to go back in on Monday, but from then on out I should be able to write my term paper from the comfort of my couch. If any of you are interested in the Irish immigration to Boston during the Great Irish Potato Famine of 1845, let me know. I could use a couple proofreaders. I just finished up my Spanish III homework and now it's time for Swift and I to enjoy an episode or two of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hard to get up today because the apartment was freezing. Got assigned a big Spanish III project, got my Astronomy II test back (84%), and scribbled through the debate in Irish History. I researched a lot for my term paper this evening and I'm sending Swift and myself out for more books. We enjoyed Chipotle for dinner and we're about to start Playing by Heart :)
Just barely missed the cutoff. Oh well. Got up at 11, went to class, then came home and finished one term paper. I'm returning like 7 books to the library tomorrow; it's an accomplished feeling. But now I have 2 weeks to finish the next term paper...which I've barely started. Swift and I watched The Virgin Suicides, was interesting to say the least. I think I liked it.
Just barely missed the cutoff. Oh well. Got up at 11, went to class, then came home and finished one term paper. I'm returning like 7 books to the library tomorrow; it's an accomplished feeling. But now I have 2 weeks to finish the next term paper...which I've barely started. Swift and I watched The Virgin Suicides, was interesting to say the least. I think I liked it.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
While studying last night, I neglected to do my Spanish III homework. But because I am awesome, I completed it in the 3 minutes I had before class. Astronomy II test went well; I'm feeling an A. Presentations in Irish History turned into class discussion, but my hair looked good anyway thanks to Swifty. Astronomy lab sucked (of course...sometimes being intelligent isn't a good thing). Exciting football game followed by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Desperate Housewives made me forget all about lab.
While studying last night, I neglected to do my Spanish III homework. But because I am awesome, I completed it in the 3 minutes I had before class. Astronomy II test went well; I'm feeling an A. Presentations in Irish History turned into class discussion, but my hair looked good anyway thanks to Swifty. Astronomy lab sucked (of course...sometimes being intelligent isn't a good thing). Exciting football game followed by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Desperate Housewives made me forget all about lab.
Slept in late again :) Had one of my favorite meals (free Papa John's) and watched the Steelers (I thought we had it in the bag, I was wrong). Swift's car needed a bit of maintenance so, naturally, he employed my help. Grabbed some Braum's and came study...ugh. Thankfully, I was permitted to watch The Neverending Story and didn't have to study too much.
Slept in late again :) Had one of my favorite meals (free Papa John's) and watched the Steelers (I thought we had it in the bag, I was wrong). Swift's car needed a bit of maintenance so, naturally, he employed my help. Grabbed some Braum's and came study...ugh. Thankfully, I was permitted to watch The Neverending Story and didn't have to study too much.
We arrived in Arlington at 5AM to find Big Sheedy in my bed. She got booted and Swift and I fell asleep quickly with an alarm set for 10AM to head to Edgefest. I got up at 10, got dressed, wrote down directions, and then curled up with Swift (who had slept through the alarm) and fell asleep again until noon. Swift still didn't want to wake up so I got him so Shipley's for motivation. By the time we got to Edgefest, we had missed Drive A, Saving Abel, Alkaline Trio, and Seether. We did get to see Papa Roach, Rise Against, Toadies, Staind, Offspring, and Stone Temple Pilots. The Toadies brought out the most (*cough*boobs) from the crowd, but STP gets my vote. After a quick stop at the airport to pick up my car, it was bedtime.
We arrived in Arlington at 5AM to find Big Sheedy in my bed. She got booted and Swift and I fell asleep quickly with an alarm set for 10AM to head to Edgefest. I got up at 10, got dressed, wrote down directions, and then curled up with Swift (who had slept through the alarm) and fell asleep again until noon. Swift still didn't want to wake up so I got him so Shipley's for motivation. By the time we got to Edgefest, we had missed Drive A, Saving Abel, Alkaline Trio, and Seether. We did get to see Papa Roach, Rise Against, Toadies, Staind, Offspring, and Stone Temple Pilots. The Toadies brought out the most (*cough*boobs) from the crowd, but STP gets my vote. After a quick stop at the airport to pick up my car, it was bedtime.
Went to school and all that jazz then headed to the airport to fly to Austin. They give me a seat, I get comfy, and then they take it away. So I ran to the other terminal and caught the flight to Killeen. Lots of army men on the plane. Daddy picked me up and I took Kipper for a good long walk, well, long for him. Family dinner since the grandparents were in town and then Swift and I headed to A and T's (better nicknames pending) to party. We left and Swift decided he was ready to drive to Arlington.
Went to school and all that jazz then headed to the airport to fly to Austin. They give me a seat, I get comfy, and then they take it away. So I ran to the other terminal and caught the flight to Killeen. Lots of army men on the plane. Daddy picked me up and I took Kipper for a good long walk, well, long for him. Family dinner since the grandparents were in town and then Swift and I headed to A and T's (better nicknames pending) to party. We left and Swift decided he was ready to drive to Arlington.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I'm a little late, sorry. Woke up at 7 today to see Swift off. Almost cried when I went back to my cold, empty bed to sleep for 2 more hours. Irish History was a huge discussion; I colored. Swift and I watched Lions for Lambs "together"; not bad as a whole. We also rented Lars and the Real Girl, maybe that's tomorrow's entertainment :)
I'm a little late, sorry. Woke up at 7 today to see Swift off. Almost cried when I went back to my cold, empty bed to sleep for 2 more hours. Irish History was a huge discussion; I colored. Swift and I watched Lions for Lambs "together"; not bad as a whole. We also rented Lars and the Real Girl, maybe that's tomorrow's entertainment :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Swift spent the night :) So we got up at 11 and went to Shipley's and then to Economic History (woot). Quick tour of Eastern campus and the three fountains and then we watched The Babysitters (not recommended) and lastly, we are currently in the library "studying." He's now tempting me with ice cream so I'm out.
Spanish midterm round II today. I'll let you know the results when I know them. Couple other classes including a minor presentation in Irish History, not much to talk about but I'm sure Swift thinks otherwise. I wouldn't shut up about everyone else's presentations at dinner (which was Qdoba...mmm). Oh right, the reason Swift drove up to Arlington. Dredg. It was awesome. Lots of Catch Without Arms which is actually their only CD that I own.
Spanish midterm round II today. I'll let you know the results when I know them. Couple other classes including a minor presentation in Irish History, not much to talk about but I'm sure Swift thinks otherwise. I wouldn't shut up about everyone else's presentations at dinner (which was Qdoba...mmm). Oh right, the reason Swift drove up to Arlington. Dredg. It was awesome. Lots of Catch Without Arms which is actually their only CD that I own.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Slept in nice and late, but woke up just in time to head over to Plucker's and watch my Steelers dominate. My attention was torn between the Pittsburgh and the St. Louis screen. Yes I'm calling it the St. Louis game, that's what happens when you beat the other team (*cough*cowboys*cough*) 34 to 14. Swift and I played Apples to Apples with his family (refer to his blog for a bit more detail) and then I drove to Arlington. Sad, but not as sad as normal weeks as he is on his way here...well, right now :)
Slept in nice and late, but woke up just in time to head over to Plucker's and watch my Steelers dominate. My attention was torn between the Pittsburgh and the St. Louis screen. Yes I'm calling it the St. Louis game, that's what happens when you beat the other team (*cough*cowboys*cough*) 34 to 14. Swift and I played Apples to Apples with his family (refer to his blog for a bit more detail) and then I drove to Arlington. Sad, but not as sad as normal weeks as he is on his way here...well, right now :)
Guess who's behind? Oh well...On Saturday I slept in forever, watched the most recent episode of The Office, and curled up (alone) on my couch to study/watch the UT team. Swifty has season tickets so I was left to study. Actually got quite a bit done. He got home around 11 and I was sleepy.
Guess who's behind? Oh well...On Saturday I slept in forever, watched the most recent episode of The Office, and curled up (alone) on my couch to study/watch the UT team. Swifty has season tickets so I was left to study. Actually got quite a bit done. He got home around 11 and I was sleepy.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I spent today doing a lot of nothing and just relaxing. Ran a few errands and cleaned out my closet. And I watched Cruel Intentions 2, which I should be returning right now, but I don't feel like it. Lily made me dinner after I went to her dance performance and Big Sheedy is staying with us for awhile.
I spent most of the day shivering. It was cold in class, it was cold outside, and it was cold in my apartment. But on the plus side, my term paper for Economic History on Andrew Carnegie is complete. I need to go shopping Thursday and to remind myself I'm making my list of items here:
cat food
paper towels
toilet paper
cherry coke zero
Oh and I need to study for my Spanish III midterm, ugh.
I spent most of the day shivering. It was cold in class, it was cold outside, and it was cold in my apartment. But on the plus side, my term paper for Economic History on Andrew Carnegie is complete. I need to go shopping Thursday and to remind myself I'm making my list of items here:
cat food
paper towels
toilet paper
cherry coke zero
Oh and I need to study for my Spanish III midterm, ugh.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The rumors are true: little Swifty models in his bedroom. His has an interview tomorrow so wish him luck, and tell him that red looks wonderful on him. Today was dreadfully boring; I spent the majority of it working on my term paper. That does bring good news though, I should be done with it after a few hours of work tomorrow. If any of you are willing to proof-read it for me, please make yourself known. I believe that is all for today...oh and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia makes me smile :)

Monday, October 13, 2008
So today was my long day at school, and it was indeed long. I got home around 5 PM and went to work on my term paper. I've gotten quite a bit done and am still working (except to take a break to write this, of course). I keep getting phone calls from Blockbuster telling me that they want their movies back so I may watch the last one later on tonight and get them turned back in :). Oh and I got a can opener returned before Cayers "starved."
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Well ladies and gentleman, it is that time again when I decide to blog about my day. I woke up this morning to be frustrated by my computer (not that that's anything new) and then hopped a flight back to DFW. Read quite a bit of Eclipse while Swift started up Twilight. Upon returning home, I very quickly opened my library books and immediately began work on my term paper. I'll be finishing up today's dose of that shortly and hopefully watching last week's episode of The Office. Hurry up and take your quiz, Swifty.
Flew into Pittsburgh nice and early. Saw a tiny tiny bit of the city then drove north to a little town called Sharon. Beautiful wedding at 3:30 and then nice reception at 6:30. Had a ton of fun, tried the groom's specialty: Apple Pie (1 gal apple juice, 1 gal apple cider, 5 cinnamon sticks, boil, 1/5 everclear) and got the super secret recipe on my way out. It is super secret and will only be posted here for a day so...get it while you can.
Flew into Pittsburgh nice and early. Saw a tiny tiny bit of the city then drove north to a little town called Sharon. Beautiful wedding at 3:30 and then nice reception at 6:30. Had a ton of fun, tried the groom's specialty: Apple Pie (1 gal apple juice, 1 gal apple cider, 5 cinnamon sticks, boil, 1/5 everclear) and got the super secret recipe on my way out. It is super secret and will only be posted here for a day so...get it while you can.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Swift woke up early and got his car inspected, then we went shopping for fancy shirts and ties for him. I bought some shampoo and my very own copy of Twilight. We tossed a football around for awhile then I took a nap. Shiny Toy Guns concert at night, very nice though it'll take some time for me to adjust to the new vocalist.
Swift woke up early and got his car inspected, then we went shopping for fancy shirts and ties for him. I bought some shampoo and my very own copy of Twilight. We tossed a football around for awhile then I took a nap. Shiny Toy Guns concert at night, very nice though it'll take some time for me to adjust to the new vocalist.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Soon I will be boarding a plane to Austin. I'm skipping school tomorrow (don't worry, I only have one class) and going to the Shiny Toy Guns concert. I'm super excited :) I don't know when I'll have time to blog next so yeah, concert tomorrow night, then on Friday I head up to Pittsburgh with Swift and mi madre for a wedding. See y'all Monday :)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So lovely little Swift has declared my blog "competition" for his. We'll show him... Well today I had one class (Economic History) and then I came home to work on my term paper for said class. It's about Andrew Carnegie. It is entirely boring. I should get back to it now, but I came here with the intent to say something. Forgot what it was. Oh well, that handy little "edit" button will allow me to tack it on once I remember. Headed to Austin tomorrow :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
I know I'm supposed to wait til the end of the day to blog about the day, but Swift is coming into town today so I'm sure I'll be busy tonight. Took a Spanish III test today and I think I did pretty well. Astronomy was actually new, confusing information for once; I may have to actually study for this next test. Swift has a big checklist of things for us to do this weekend and I'm completely excited. One of the items is buying concert tickets; if you like Shiny Toy Guns, Dredg, Thrice, or the Edgefest bands let me know :) I also outlined my schedule for next semester; I'm signing up for: Child Growth and Development, Spanish IV, Early Texas History, US Environmental History, and European Reformation History. Sounds fun, right?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
first post!
So Swift made fun of me for not having a website to maintain, and thus was born. Lily™ is talking so I can't pay attention to this right now. More to come!
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